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  嘉里合肥物流中心位于经济技术开发区,距合肥机场仅3.5公里,且毗邻连接各要地的高速公路,共有5个仓库,其中4个已启用。第五个仓库占地5000平米,将于2011年底投入使用。  该中心占地20000平米,为合肥地区日益发展的汽车制造商打造,可提供各种专业的物流解决方案,如供应商管理库存、部件装配和套件组装、及时配送、例行运输以及各种增值服务。


  此外,嘉里物流2010年在越南中部岘港建立了物流中心,该物流设施的二期工程将于2011年第四季度完成,届时将提供1.02万平米的仓储和物流服务空间。  嘉里物流还在胡志明市设有6.25万平米的物流中心。







如果寄递的物品超量了怎么办?答:海关总署公告(2010年第43号)规定,个人邮寄进出境物品超出规定限值的,应办理退运手续或者按照货物规定办理通关手续。但邮包内仅有一件物品且不可分割的,虽超出规定限值,经海关审核确属个人自用合理范围的,可以按照个人物品规定办理通关手续并缴纳税款进境。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------详细咨询报关员:15360013007什么叫自用合理数量?答: 自用:指旅客本人自用、馈赠亲友而非为出售或出租;合理数量:指海关根据旅客旅行目的和居留时间所规定的正常数量。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------没有寄违禁物品,为什么邮件会被海关暂留?答:邮件被海关暂留可能有多种原因,一是超出海关总署公告(2010年第43号)规定的限值;二是内装的物品超出了个人自用合理数量;三是价格资料缺失需要补充。收件人可以根据收到的通知单或手机短信上的指引办理相关手续。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可以交一点罚款或者税金,拿回邮件吗?答: 海关总署公告(2010年第43号)规定,个人邮寄进出境物品超出规定限值的,应办理退运手续或者按照货物规定办理通关手续,不存在交罚款或纳税后可予放行的规定。涉及需要补充申报的邮件,提交了补充申报的资料后,海关要核实申报是否属实并办理相关手续。通关相关解答补充申报是什么意思?答:即补充邮件信息的意思, 海关无法根据现有的邮件信息判别您的邮件是否是个人物品、是否需要征税、是否需要货物报关,所以需要您提供邮件信息,以便海关做出正确的判断,更快对您的邮件作出处理--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------如何办理补充申报?答:用邮人收到补充申报短信后,凭收到短信的手机号登录“关邮e通”平台(ghzx.gdems.com)办理补充申报或退运手续,按系统提示的步骤填报,上传完资料后提交便可。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------如何申请快捷退运?答:用邮人拒收邮件且想尽快退回原寄国的,可登录“关邮e通”平台(ghzx.gdems.com),在关邮e通上注册后办理退运;或按短信指引,把相关资料发送到广航中心电子邮箱(ghzxbgz@126.com)申请快捷退运。或期满广航中心按规定办理逾期退运。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可以代办退运手续,详细咨询:15360013007如何办理货物报关?答:不予按个人物品放行,需要货物报关的,按“关邮e通”平台(ghzx.gdems.com)的“报关指引”,用邮人提供相关资料,委托广州速递公司或其它有进出口资质的企业及报关企业办理货物报关手续。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------也可以咨询专业报关员15360013007紧急邮件可否加快通关处理?答:如果是正常邮件,邮局会按接收日期排序处理,请耐心等待,如果是急用药或签证等紧急邮件,可联系邮局与海关沟通优先快速处理。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------个人的邮递物品需要接受海关查验吗?答:根据海关法第四十七条规定,进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。




  英文原文:Originally, a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his customer, and so on

  ( 这句话是比较长,一句一段,核心句子:.....a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks....)

  注释:freight forwarder 货运代理人commission agent 委托代理人perform: 履行,执行,完成on behalf of 代表.... routine tasks 日常工作(routine: 日常的,常规的)loading/unloading of goods 装载/卸载货物storage of goods 货物存放,货物存储转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com



 英文原文:However, the expansion of international trade and the development of different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of his services. (核心句子:....A and B enlarged the scope of his services.

  A 是指 :expansion of international trade 国际贸易的扩大

  B 是指 :development of different modes of transport 不同运输方式的发展)

  注释:expansion: 扩大,扩展 development: 发展,改善 modes of transport: 运输方式over the years that followed 在随后的几年里 enlarge: 扩大,增大,扩展


  英文原文:Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport.

  注释:Play an important role : 扮演重要的角色(引申为:起着重要的作用)International trade and transport 国际贸易和运输


  英文原文:The services that a freight forwarder renders may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or customs clearance to a comprehensive package of services covering the total transportation and distribution process.

  (核心句子:The services.... may often range from ....to....)

  注释:render: 在这里的意思是“提供”(= offer, provide) range : 在... 范围内变化(后面常跟 from ...to...) booking of space 订舱a comprehensive package of services: 全面的一揽子服务cover : 包括,涉及( = include) transportation and distribution: 运输和分发

  中文意思:货运代理提供的服务通常可能从日常基础的工作比如舱位的预定,清关等,到全面的一揽子服务其服务范围涵盖了整个货物的运输和分发派送过程转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  英文原文:Unless the consignor, the person sending goods, or the consignee, the person receiving the goods, wants to attend to any of the procedural and documentary formalities himself, it is usually the freight forwarder who undertakes on his behalf to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved.

  (核心句子:Unless the consignor or consignee wants to attend to...himself, it is the freight forwarder who undertakes to process the movement of goods...)

  注释:consignor: 发货人consignee: 收货人attend to: 关注 (= pay attention to) procedural and documentary formalities: 程序和单证上的手续(procedural: 程序上的;documentary: 文件的,单证的;formality: 例行手续, 正式手续)undertake to do sth. 承担去做某事,承诺做某事

  process: 在这里作为动词,处理,处置 involve: 包含,含有,涉及movement: 移动,动向 ( 在这里引申为“运输”)


  英文原文:The freight forwarder may provide these services directly or through sub-contractors or other agencies employed by him.

  (核心句子:The freight forwarder provide these services...)

  注释:sub-contractor: 次级承包商,分包商 agency: 代理商,代理 employ: 雇佣



  1)Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 选择运输线路,运输方式和合适的承运人。转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  注释:route: 路线,航线 suitable: 适当的,适合的 carrier: 承运人

  2)Book space with the selected carrier. 向选定承运人订舱。

  注释:book space: 订舱 selected: 选定的

  3)Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as the Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport, etc. 接收货物,并签发货运代理人收货证明书和货运代理人运输证明书。

  注释:take delivery of the goods: 接收货物Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt 货运代理人收货证明书(是代理人收到货物的凭证);Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport 货运代理人运输证明书(是证明代理人具备运输能力的凭证); issue: 发行,发布(在这里译为“签发”)

  4)Study the provisions of the L/C and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also prepare all the necessary documents. 研究货物在出口国家和进口国家,以及中转国家运输所适用的信用证条款和所有政府规定,并准备所有必须的单证。转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  注释:provision: 条款,规定 L/C (letter of credit) : 信用证 regulation: 规定,条例 applicable to ...: 适用于...; shipment of goods: 货物装运,货物运输 as well as: 也,又,以及;transit country: 中转国;过境国

  5)Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods and applicable regulations, if any, in the country of export, transit countries and country of destination. 货物包装,( 在货物包装时) 要考虑运输路线,运输的方式,货物的特性,有必要的话还要考虑出口国,中转国和目的地国家适用的规定。

  注释:pack the goods 货物包装/打包; take into account: 考虑; the nature of the goods: 货物的特性; if any: 如果有的话;若有的话 destination: 目的地

  6)Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary. 如果有必要的话,要安排货物的仓储

  注释:arrange: 安排,准备 warehousing of the goods: 货物的仓储;if necessary: 如果有必要的话

  7)Weigh and measure the goods. 测量货物的重量和尺寸。

  注释:weigh: 称,称…的重量 measure: 量,测量(尺寸)

  8)Draw the consignor’s attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor. 提醒发货人注意货物的投保,如果发货人需要投保,则需办理货物的保险。

  注释:draw one’s attention to...: 引起某人注意... ( 相当于“提醒某人注意...”); insurance: 保险

  9)Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier. 将货物运往港口,安排货物的清关,办理相关的单证手续并将货物交付给承运人。

  注释:customs clearance: 海关清关;related: 相关的documentation: 文件,单证deliver the goods: 交付货物

  10)Attend to foreign exchange transactions, if any. 关注外汇交易

  注释:foreign exchange transaction: 外汇交易

  11)Pay fees and other charges including freight. 支付手续费和其他包括运费在内的费用

  注释:fee : (偏向于手续费方面的)费用; charge: (偏向于因服务而索取的)费用; freight: 运费。

  12)Obtain the signed bills of lading from the carrier and arrange delivery to the consignor. 从承运人那里获得签发的提单并将提单转让给发货人

  注释:bill of lading:提单

  13)Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary. 如果有必要的话,安排货物在途中的转运。

  注释:transshipment: 转运; en route: = on the way 途中的

  14)Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders’ agents abroad. 通过联系承运人和海外的货运代理,监控货物的运输过程直至货物交付给收货人。

  注释:monitor: 监督,监视 all the way: 由始至终

  15)Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods. 记录货损货失

  注释:note: 记录,注解 damage: 损坏,毁坏 loss: 损失,亏损

  16)Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them. 如果货物有损失,需协助发货人向承运人就货物的损失提出赔偿。

  注释:assist sb. in doing sth.: 帮助某人做某事;pursue/make claim against sb. for sth.: 就...向某人提出赔偿

2、代表收货人(进口商)1)Monitor the movement of goods on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo. 如由收货人控制货物,货运代理人应替收货人监控货物的运输。

  2)Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods. 接受并审查所有与货物运输有关的单证。转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  注释:relating to: 与...有关

  3)Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs. 从承运人手中接收货物,如需还要支付的运费。

  注释:take delivery of 接收,收到(与delivery词义相反); freight cost: 运费

  4)Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities. 安排货物的清关,并向海关和政府当局支付关税,手续费及其他费用。

  注释:duty: 税,税收; public authority: 政府当局

  5)Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary. 如需,安排中转仓库。

  6)Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee. 将清关后的货物交付给收货人。

  注释:cleared goods: 清关后的货物 (根据前文 arrange customs clearance, 所以这里的意思是办理完清关手续的货物,而不是干净的货物)

  7)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them. 如果有必要的话,协助收货人向承运人就货物的丢失或者任何损害提出赔偿。

  8)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. 如果需要,协助收货人安排货物的仓储及派送。

  注释:distribution: 分发,派送

 2、代表收货人(进口商)1)Monitor the movement of goods on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo. 如由收货人控制货物,货运代理人应替收货人监控货物的运输。

  2)Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods. 接受并审查所有与货物运输有关的单证。转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  注释:relating to: 与...有关

  3)Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight costs. 从承运人手中接收货物,如需还要支付的运费。

  注释:take delivery of 接收,收到(与delivery词义相反); freight cost: 运费

  4)Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities. 安排货物的清关,并向海关和政府当局支付关税,手续费及其他费用。

  注释:duty: 税,税收; public authority: 政府当局

  5)Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary. 如需,安排中转仓库。

  6)Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee. 将清关后的货物交付给收货人。

  注释:cleared goods: 清关后的货物 (根据前文 arrange customs clearance, 所以这里的意思是办理完清关手续的货物,而不是干净的货物)

  7)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them. 如果有必要的话,协助收货人向承运人就货物的丢失或者任何损害提出赔偿。

  8)Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution. 如果需要,协助收货人安排货物的仓储及派送。

  注释:distribution: 分发,派送


  1)Which of the following services are performed by the forwarder on behalf of the consignee . (多选题)

  A. Taking delivery of the goods from the carrier

  B. Packing the goods for export

  C. Arranging export customs clearance

  D. Arranging import customs clearance




  Freight forwarder 货运代理人

  Commission agent: 委托代理人

  Modes of transport: 运输方式

  A comprehensive package of services: 全面的一揽子服务

  Consignor: 发货人

  Consignee: 收货人

  Carrier: 承运人

  Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt: 代理人收货证明书

  Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport: 代理人运输证书

  L/C (letter of credit): 信用证

  Foreign exchange transaction: 外汇交易

  Freight: 运费

  Bills of lading: 提单


关键词: ems国际快递寄件