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South AfricaZA南非0860-345-000+27-11-9213666SpainES西班牙902 122 42434-91-747-3400Sri LankaLK斯里兰卡011 2 30430494 11 2 304304SwedenSE瑞典0771-345 34546 470 747800SwitzerlandCH瑞士061 315 91 91 或 061 467 79 80 或0848.711.71141-61-467 79 80SyriaSY叙利亚11-2130207963-11-2130207TahitiPF塔希提岛830024689-830024TaiwanTW台湾2-2503-6858886-2-2503-6858TanzaniaTZ坦桑尼亚51 861000-4(255) 51 861000-4ThailandTH泰国02-345-5000662-345-5000TogoTG多哥216725228-216725Trinidad and TobagoTT特立尼达和多巴哥625-99671-868-625-9967TunisiaTN突尼斯216-71-88360600216-71-940171TurkeyTR土尔其90-212-444-004090-212-444-0040UgandaUG乌干达41-256470256-41-256470ukraineUA乌克兰044-490-260038-044-490-2600United Arab EmiratesAE阿联酋4-29953339714 - 2995333united kingdomGB英国08701 100 300(00) 44 1332 816960USAUS美国1-800-CALL-DHL或1-800-2255-3451-480-636-2571VenezuelaVE委内瑞拉212-2056000 or 0800-CALL-DHL58-212-2056000VietnamVN越南8-844-620384-8-844-6203ZambiaZM赞比亚1-229720260-1-229720ZIMBABWEZW津巴布韦4-700120263-4-700120French GuyanaGY圭亚那382521994-382521EstoniaEE爱沙尼亚6 808 555372 6 808 555HONDURASHN洪都拉斯5042641300 GeorgiaGE格鲁吉亚32-696060995-32-696060GuangzhouGZ广州020-86372740020-36680069


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normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-pagination: none" align=center>包 装 指 导

normal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center; mso-pagination: none" align=center>Packing Guideline

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">为了保证货物在运输、装卸中的安全,确保将快件安全、准时的派送到收件人手中,降低在运输、装卸中的货物破损和丢失,规范货物包装的操作和管理,要求所有服务中心遵照此包装指导对货物进行包装。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">In order to ensure shipments being safe and delivered on time, to minimize shipment damage and lost and to standardize packing process, all OPS staff is required to follow the packing guideline when packing shipments.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">一、包装原则:

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Packing Principle:

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">适合运输:包装的目地在于防止和避免在运输中由于冲击或震动所产生的破损,兼顾防潮和防盗功能;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Suitable for transportation: Packing shipments aims at preventing them from damage and lost which may be caused by stroke or shake during transit, and preventing shipments from being affected by damp and being stolen as well.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">便于装卸:完好的包装将有利于货物的装卸,将有效地提高货物的装卸效率,同时能够避免由于第三方的野蛮装卸而可能给货物带来的损害;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Easy Load and Unload: Well packed shipments are easy to load and unload, which could improve our working efficiency. It can also minimize the damage caused by third party’s rough handling.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">适度包装:对货物进行包装时,要根据货物尺寸、重量和运输特性选用大小合适的包装箱及包装填充物,要尽量避免不足包装造成的货物破损和过度包装造成的包材浪费;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Moderate packing: Proper packing and filling material should be used according to shipments’ weight and dimension, which not only can avoid damage caused by insufficient packing but also waste of packing materials.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">保护产品、防盗:包装在保证快件内容的使用特性和外观特性不被损坏的情况下,更要注意防盗——特别是对于高价值货物的包装;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Shipment Protection: When packing a shipment, we should not only try to keep the shipment in good condition, but also we should pay attention to making it theft proof, especially for high value shipments.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">包装件成一体:外包装要和快件的保护材料、缓冲材料和内容物成为一体,内容物之间(一个外包装内含有多个内容物时)或内容物与外包装内壁之间不应有磨擦、碰撞和挤压;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Packing and filling materials fitting the shipment: We should make sure that there is no attrition, bump or extrusion within contents of a shipment (assume that there are many contents in one package) or between contents and packing material.

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 18pt; TEXT-INDENT: 15.75pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">注意方向:对于有放置方向要求的货物,在包装、储存和运输过程中必须保证按照外包装上的箭头标识正确放置货物,杜绝侧放和倒放。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Direction of shipments: Be sure to lay shipments according to the arrow direction on the package during transit and storage.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">重心中心合一:包装件的重心和其几何中心应该合一或比较接近,这样可以防止货物在运输过程中由于起动、转弯和刹车给货物带来的损失;

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">The gravity center of a shipment should be identical to its geometry center: This is to avoid damage when vehicle start-up, swerve, or brake during transportation.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">二、包装方针:

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> Packing guideline:

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18.05pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">绳索、带子

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18.05pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">STRING OR ROPE

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18.05pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受使用绳索或带子捆扎施封的包装。必须去除这些绳索或带子,使用胶带进行封箱。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">No string or rope may be used to seal packages. String or rope must be removed and the packages taped securely using an approved tape before accepting the shipment.

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">nnecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f">

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 胶带

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> TAPE

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受使用玻璃纸胶带、医用胶布施封的包装。建议客人去除该施封胶带并使用DHL胶带进行封箱。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">One of our biggest problems is the shipper’s choice of binding. Discourage shipper’s from using cellophane tape, masking tape, or water activated tape. These tapes will not survive the sort system. Overtape with plastic or plastic fibre-reinforced tape prior to acceptance.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 使用过的箱体

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18.05pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> REUSED BOXES AND CONTAINERS

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18.05pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受客户使用有压垮痕迹、有破洞及有油渍、水渍的使用过的箱子对货物进行包装。将其货物或连同箱子一起置入合格之外包装内。对于可接受的使用过的包装,必须去除包装外侧所有标签、号码、地址信息及一切有可能影响操作人员识别的粘贴物品和信息。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Reused cartons, boxes and containers with crushed corners, holes, tear, torn flaps, oil or water stains should not be accepted. Reused cartons must have all flaps intact and all old labels, addresses, and other information marked out or removed.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 易破损材料

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> STYROFOAM

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 36pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受客户使用易破损材料作为外包装的货物。如保丽龙箱、塑料等,将其置入合格之外包装内。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Due to the weakness of the material, Styrofoam containers are unacceptable. Styrofoam packages must be overpacked in sturdy, corrugated cartons. The onLY exception is Styrofoam packages approved by IATA or DHL. Customers who use Styrofoam must have a letter saying their packaging has been approved. Do not use Styrofoam for packaging magnetic or computer tapes.

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 内容物保护

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> INNER PROTECTION

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">从客户手中收到包装好的货物时,稍加晃动,如能听到内容物发出相互碰撞之声音,向客户提出检查包裹之要求,并建议客户使用足够的填充物,以适合长途转运操作,避免内容物相互碰撞破损。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">If you can hear the contents rattle, the inner packaging should be inspected prior to accepting the package. Be sure the inner packing is sufficient to protect the contents while traveling through the system.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 24pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">易碎物品

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> GLASS ITEMS

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">对于瓷器和玻璃制品必须在包装内部六个面加垫防震材料,且箱体内每一件瓷器或玻璃制品必须单独使用泡沫或其它材料进行包装。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Wine bottles or glass products MUST be individually cush-loned inside the package. Glass items must be individually wrapped with bubble wrap to separate each item at the top, sides, and bottom, or each item must be placed securely in form-fitting Styrofoam material.

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 小件之内容物

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> SMALL ITEMS IN LARGE QUANTITIES

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受大量小件之内容物零散置于包裹中。如螺栓、螺钉、螺母、钉子等物品,必须先以麻布袋包裹后,再置入合格之外包装中。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Nut, bolts, nails, screws, fittings, etc. must be packaged first in burlap bags and then within a sturdy box. If the box tear or splits open, the contents are contained.

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 48pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-para-margin-left: 4.0gd">

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normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> 公文包、行李袋等

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> BRIEFCASES, LUGGAGE, GARMENT BAGS, AND REUSABLE CASES

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt 24pt; TEXT-INDENT: 18pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify; mso-para-margin-left: 2.0gd">

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">不接受公文包、行李袋作为外包装的货物。将其置入合格之外包装中。对于大行李箱,如客户同意使用其作为外包装,必须要求客户对箱体加锁,操作人员不得用墨头笔做任何标记。

normal style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-ideograph; MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Cases whose finish might be damaged by adhesive labels should be over-packed in a protective container for shipment. Do not write routing codes or other codes on customer’s ‘custom’ shipping cases (e.g. suit cased, trade show cases, etc.). For Air Waybills and other shipping documents, uses the Tie-on-Airbill packing-list envelop.

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1:国际EMS:价格公布价4折左右,时效3-7个工作日到达。优点:折扣低、价廉物美,任何体积的货物都按照重量计算.500克以下的物品可以按文件价格计算.可以当天收货,当天操作,当天上网,清关能力强.能运送出关的物品超多,其他公司限制运行的物品它都能运送.如:食品.保健品.化妆品.名牌的仿包.箱.服装,鞋子.等各种礼品以及各种特殊商品等.(文捷快递直属一级代理广州出口)缺点:速度偏慢.查询网站信息滞后.通达国家较少,一旦出现问题查询只能做书面查询,时间较长.官方网站:http://www.ems.com.cn/ 2:DHL敦豪国际快递:价格公布价65折左右(含燃油费),时效正常情况下2-4个工作日。优点:速度快,特别到欧洲三个工作日和东南亚地区二个工作日,派送网络遍布世界各地,查询网站货物状态更新及时,遇到问题解决快,21公斤以上物品更有单独的大货价格,部分地区大货价格比国际EMS还要底,超省费用。缺点:小货折扣高,比国际EMS费用高20-30%左右,体积重大于实际重按照体积重量计算费用,对所托运的物品限制比较多拒收许多特殊商品.另外针对留学生、华人服务,帮你代购国内产品、货物托运,商品价格+国内运费+国际运费=你所需要支付的费用.超低运费,DHL4.5折。广州文捷快递提供官方网站http://www.wjexpress.com/3:UPS联合包裹快递:价格65折左右(含燃油费),时效正常情况下2-4日工作日。优点:速度快,特别是美国48个小时能到达,全世界200多个国家和地区都有网络,查询网站信息更新快,遇到问题解决及时.缺点:折扣高.体积重大于实际重量按体积重量计算,对受理物品也有许多的限制.官方网站:http://www.ups.com 4.FEDEX联邦快递:价格是公布价格的8折左右(含燃油费),时效正常情况下2-4个工作日.优点:强力推荐到中南美洲的价格和欧洲的价格一致,而其他公司则是报在最贵的一区,公布价格相差30-40%.网站信息更新快,网络覆盖全,查询响应快.缺点:折扣比同类快递公司高15%左右,体积重超过实际重按体积重量计算,对所运物品限制较多.官方网站:http://www.fedex.com/cn/ 5:TNT天地快递:价格公布价7折左右(含燃油费),时效2-4个工作日。优点:速度较快,特别是到西欧3个工作日,网络比较全,查询网站信息更新快,遇到问题响应及时.缺点:在四大国际快递巨头中相对实力比较弱的一个公司,对所运货物限制也比较多.官方网站http://www.tnt.com/express/zh_cn/site/home.html 6:中国邮政:航空小包,航空水陆路,水陆路,价格是公布价格的6折左右.时效航空小包正常15个工作日左右,航空水陆路一月左右,水陆路1-2个月左右.优点:计价起重低按每100克计费.清关能力强,能邮寄的物品非常多(如食品.药品.保健品.化妆品.名牌的包.服装鞋子.各种礼品以及许多特殊商品等),文捷快递提供折扣服务.派送网络世界各地都有.缺点:限制重量2公斤,运送时间比较长,到达许多国家的货物状态无法在网站上查询和跟踪.官方网站:http://www.chinapost.com.cn/ 7:中国邮政航空大包,航空水陆路大包,水陆路大包.时效优点缺点同小包一样.计费按照每公斤来算,限重按照每个国家不同20-30公斤官方网站:http://www.chinapost.com.cn(来源广州文捷国际快递代理有限公司)留学申请材料、文件邮寄价格对比,如到美国Fedex 020-36680069 86372740从广州寄往美国,500克以内,217元;不打折。四环以外不上门取件,只能自己到四个站点送件:大山子/亦庄/东方广场/汉威大厦.服务态度好http://www.fedex.com/cn/http://www.fedex.com/cn/contact/UPS 020-36680069 86372740从广州寄往美国,500克以内,280元;不打折。广州任何地方都可以上门取件,没有四环内外之分的规定。不过最好是上午8:00——9:00打电话预约取件,咨询人员说如果下午的话,万一路上堵车会耽误时间。服务态度一般http://www.ups.com/asia/cn/chsindex.htmlhttp://www.ups.com/content/cn/zh/contact/index.htmlTNT 020-36680069 86372740从广州寄往美国,500克以内,338.55元;不打折。如:彼兹堡,只需2天就可寄到。广州任何地方都可以上门取件,没有四环内外之分的规定,也没有时间限制。服务态度好http://www.tnt.com/country/zh_cn.htmlhttp://www.tnt.com/country/zh_cn/ourlocations.htmlDHL 中外运敦豪 020-36680069 86372740从广州寄往美国,500克以内,加上燃油费,共222元;接线员说年底时曾经对学生打过折,不过现在没有这个优惠了,细节可到北大和清华附近的代理处咨询。2个工作日可以寄到。广州任何地方都可以上门取件,没有四环内外之分的规定。接线员说不过最好是上午8:30左右给他们打电话预约取件,以免时间晚了会在路上耽误时间。与上面的几个公司相比,服务态度最好,最专业,最耐心;老外都只用DHLhttp://www.cn.dhl.com/(来源广州文捷国际快递代理有限公司) 郑重声明:本文版权归原作者所有,转载文章仅为传播更多信息之目的,如作者信息标记有误,请第一时间联系我们修改或删除,多谢。
